Title says it all, Yesterday I seen the Bluethroat take a dash at my Pinktail, my pinktail turned white and went after him. I let the situation calm down, than again last night, the same thing happened, well this time the Pinktail killed him, it was so fast, there was no stopping it. It took under a minute for my pinktail to kill my bluethroat.
It is so hard to judge the size of these fish when they are in the tank, my Bluethroat was almost 5 inches head to tail, this means my Pinktail must be 10 - 12 inches. It is much larger than my bluethroat, hard to believe he is that big, but again he has not been out of my tank in a few years.
My tank is a 300g, I thought there was plenty of room, they lived on opposite sides of the tank and they are the only two territorial fish in the tank (for a reason).......
It is so hard to judge the size of these fish when they are in the tank, my Bluethroat was almost 5 inches head to tail, this means my Pinktail must be 10 - 12 inches. It is much larger than my bluethroat, hard to believe he is that big, but again he has not been out of my tank in a few years.
My tank is a 300g, I thought there was plenty of room, they lived on opposite sides of the tank and they are the only two territorial fish in the tank (for a reason).......