Pinktail Trigger looks stuffed. Please help


my pt has always been the most food aggresive fish, now he looks like he stuffed him self so full that he just hides and comes out once in a while, my problem is that i have clown trigger that i still need to feed in there, what should i do and has this ever happen to anyone. water par are good no amn low nit below 20 sal is 1021 temp is 80 thanks - mike


Staff member
Are you saying the problem is that the PT trigger has overstuffed himself, and he needs to be on a bit of a diet, but you still need to feed other fish?
If so, try target feeding with a syringe.


thanks he has become really lazy and hides behinds the rocks now. He used to swim around and bully everyone now he is the exact oppsite. he skin looks good not breathing heavy but is a little pale than normal thanks for the help.


Staff member
He is very likely being picked on himself if he is hiding all the time behind rocks.