Pinktails / Melichthys Species


My Pinktail has been with me a few years now, it is 6 inches and fed a variety of foods 2-3 times per day.
It's all in the mood on this fish and only drew blood once....

Show your Pinktails or Melichthys



V, Thanx for forwarding me to this thread. And thanx for sharing your b-e-a-u-tiful Pinktail. How big is yours? Those colors are magnificent. Ours changes colors A LOT, but I haven't seen that peachy-rosey color from ours.
"Raz" iz about 5 to 5-1/2". He had been in two home aquariums before we purchased him. He is the boss of our tank. We got the Picasso at the same time, "Taz" he was about 3". Then about 3 months later, the Undy "Spaz" she was about 3-1/2". (Just between you and I
, I didn't want the Undy, afraid she would spoil the far, she is a little scaredy-cat
I wish my man would empty the digital so I could take more pics. I only have the ones that have been posted several times. Let me see what I can do with the ones I already have
More Pinktails and Melicthys PLEASE :joy:


My Pinktail is about 6 inches right now and very well behaved. I had had it for a couple of years now, I feed this trigger a mix of Meaty foods and Greens daily so it is getting a variety of foods. My triggers favorite greens are Nori, Fresh frozen peas (Thawed) & Fresh frozen broccoli (Thawed).
About a year or so ago it was stung by my fuzzy dwarf and lived, I had to baby this fish for days. It could not swim, and when it did start swimming again it started really slow. It tried to take my Fuzzy Dwarfs silverside but the fuzzy was not giving up his food up.
Yours looks good, looks healthy.....
**** How long have you had Raz?
**** I do not see many large Pinktails, have you noticed the same thing when browsing forums?


V, didn't mean to ignore you, been working and haven't had the energy to get on the net.
We've had Raz about a year now.
My honey had had triggers in his 125 a few years ago but work ruled the hours so he had to tear it down. After 5 years in the house, we decided it was such a shame to have this center piece empty. I had not been familiar with triggers and couldn't understand why we would only get one or two fish for a six foot aquarium :notsure: But then we started visiting lfs' and I started doing some research.
The Pinktail was the first one that really caught my eye, he was B-E-A-U-TIFUL. He was stuck in a tank with a large shark, a large puffer, and a couple other fish, he had no sleeping spot. All he did was swim back and forth, non-stop. Then at the same store there was the most adorable little Picasso (3") all he did was swim up and down. So we rescued them. :joy: I had hoped they would collide when we put them in
(one swam up & down & one back & forth) Get it???

THEEEEEEEEN, we went to another store about a month or so after that, and guess what they had? Yep, a MAN'S FISH, an Undulated.

I said no, he said yes, guess who won
now we are a family of 3 triggers. Going on a year all is well. We have a 90 ready to set up for the Undy "when" the hell breaks loose.

"Raz" is the king of the tank going on 5-1/2+" he had been in another home aquarium before we got him; the Undy is about 4" "Spaz" chicken s*$t; "Taz" 3-1/2-4" just doesn't give a damn about anything.
I emptied the digital (all by myself, thank you
) and took some pics the other night. Hubby has put them in the computer at his business and I haven't had time to get up there to post them. But will tomorrow hopefully.
Sorry this is so long

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice looking speciman.........I recently added a rather large niger to a clients tank (240 gal) and may consider one or two others to fill out the livestock.


Niiiiiiiiiice fishy, AGRSIV...........Do you have any other pics of color change? We'd love to see em.........Peace


Hey triggered, check out the teeth
. I know its not the clearest pic but you get the point. the second is just him posing for the camera. Even in these pics you can see how much darker he is from the previous pic I posted earlier.



That is a sweet trigger...... I almost got one before my Pinktail, it was about 5 inches, I went to the LFS to get it and it jumped the night before, that sucked.


V- that is weird that you say that because at one of my LFS a guy had one about a foot in length and it jumped too.


Hey triggered here are a couple more I just snapped today of color changes in my black hawaiian. His face went a real pale white for some reason. He was pretty pissed at my Maculosus angel. Quite different from the one where he is yellow/green
. Let me know what you think. And post more pix of your vidua



Sorry it has taken so long to even see this. Been working.
Cooool dang pics, AGRSIV...........aren't these guys just the most cool? The color changes our Pink goes through.....................they are somethin'
I have to get to the right computer, but you can check out some of the newer pics in the aggressive thread. I can't remember the title starter though. I think it is, "trigger pics just because". Yep that's it. So until I can post some on this thread, feel free to check out the other.
I think the few of us who have these particular species, are far and few between, eh?


V-Lion your Pinktail is gorgeous, and love that Black Hawaiian also Agrsiv! Love all the Trigger pics in this thread, posted mine on here under " Fish Photography" and "pics for enjoyment", let me know what you think, I know I'm not the best photographer but hope you enjoy. And yes V Lion that's my lil baby Lion, he's about 1 1/2 inches long.