Pinnapple trigger eyes cloudy


Hello all,
My triggers eyes i noticed have been cloudy for some time now. Can someone tell me what this is from and help getting rid of it if possible..


The triggers eyes are cloudy all the time i see them... Could i use a treatment or anything to cure or is it a real problem.
Another ? I had just got a large lawnmower blenny. I purchased him b/c he looked very hardy and was active. I put in tank with others(trigger/wrasse) and was acting great for the first 2 days the third day he was down and out behind the rocks. :confused:This has happened before with my grouper yet i just think my trigger ate him. yes /no/ maybe???


Staff member
Lawnmower is pretty peaceful fish to be in their with an aggressive trigger. If a grouper can't handle a trigger, you can bet a lawnmower can't. The other problem could be lack of food for the lawnmower. This fish frequesntly starve to death in tanks due to lack of appropriate food....real live algae.
Is the trigger's eyes completely glazed over, or do they appear cloudy from certain angles with eye movement?