PinPoint PH Monitor question


Hi all,
Just recently bought a pinpoint PH monitor, calibrated it as instructed, and when I put it in the tank it jumped around like mad. I waited a day, re-calibrated it, and placed in the tank again. I've now noticed that at night or when just the actinics are on, it stops fluctuating and reads from 8.10 in the middle of the night to about 8.17 at the end of the actinic "sunrise", but after the MH come on it goes whako again. Is this normal? A bad probe maybe?
--BTW, salifert ph test kits confirm the 8.1 or so in the morning, and mid day I'm getting a solid 8.3 on the salifert.
Just for the heck of it, water parameters are as follows:
Temp-78-81 degrees
Salinity 1.025 w/ refractometer
Alk 9.0 dkh
Calcium 440 ppm
Nitrate--continually undectable with both Salifert and LaMotte test kits.
Thanks in advance!


Hi All,
Just wanted to post this in case someone runs into a similar issue:
I mounted the unit almost right next to my MH ballast--when the halides kicked on there must have been some interference. DUH..... :hilarious