pinpoint pH monitor


Its great I got one for Christmas. Although it is a little time consuming and patientence breaking first calibrating it. It also help tell me that I have a pH problem.

yosemite sam

Active Member
I have one too, and they are great. Yeah, the calibrating thing is a bit of a pain, but when I first got it, I had a PH problem that I didn't know about either. It's amazing how off test kits can be.


Just another vote in favor or it. I like it and always being able to follow the changes in pH through the day with it from morning to night by just looking at the thing is great.


About once a also are suppose to get a new probe about once every 18 months
Just ask for one every Christmas!


Active Member
any website that sells saltwater products should probably have one, and most lfs that carry saltwater have them too.
Thank you for all the opinions!

big slick

I know you've heard it before, but yeah, they are great. Go to american and they can hook you up. The owner is very helpful, and you will thank yourself later for doing it. Here is a pic of my 3 (PH, Salinity, Temp) a bit fuzzy, I know.