Pipe Organ Coral


I am considering purchasing a green Pipe Organ Coral. What care does this coral need.....lighting, placement, feeding etc? Are they considered a hard coral to keep?


I would say they are mildly difficult to care for. They are very brittle and easy to damage physically, and for me, it's the only coral I've had that didn't do well in my current set-up. By that measure, I suppose, it's more difficult than the typical lps stuff I have (torch, frogspawn, blastomusa, etc). But then again, that could have been just bad luck with the one I bought.


Aside from having a brittle base mine adjusted to my tank in 3-4 days. It is half way up my tank in moderate flow wedged between 2 rocks. The specimen I have seems healthy and relatively hardy.
I have not tried to target feed it, moreover, it did not respond to live brine that inadvertantly landed on it when I fed my fish. From the looks of it it does not have a very big mouth if any at all.
My tank is 90 gallons with 660 watts of VHO.