

Active Member
dunno why i wanted to put a question mark on the end. Its obviously a pipefish...believe its a banded pipefish. he was getting a little harrassed at the LFS and I've been tossin around the idea of getting one for a while, low flow reef with no predators. I've done a decent amount of research btw. probably not enough.


nygel i forget wut kind it is, its on this website. but thats my favorite fish, wen i go on vacation in cape cod in mass i always catch them in the bay. pretty cool fish. i want to get one of these badly, do u think it would work in a 20 gallon? post some more pics!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
i looked it up its a reef fish
Those need a species only tank right?


thats wut people say but u can keep it in a tank as long as thers nothing aggressive in it. its the same thing as seahorses, some people have them in species tanks n others have them in 20 gallons with a royal gramma n a clown. im prolly gonna put one in my 20 long. got a sixline n a clown in ther now.


dogstar have u ever kept one of these, i was thinkin bout keepin one with my clown in my 20 gallon reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
dogstar have u ever kept one of these, i was thinkin bout keepin one with my clown in my 20 gallon reef
Nope, I have never kept any syngnathids. They require a very specilized systems and lots of knowledge of the hobbiest and still difficult to keep long term in most cases. I keep a reef with corals, anemones, tangs, large clowns, dwarfs, ect. and IMO, a Pipe or Pony just would not work for me. There are lots of beautifull and intresting species that I would love to have but I have to consider their lifes over my wishes.


Active Member
dangit, it was labelled banded and i was told they were a good beginner. Oh well, i'll read up and do what I can. he only does stuff at night, can I adjust this somehow so he is more active at night? I'm going to get another though, since they like to be in pairs. The only thing that is dangerous to him is a frogspawn towards the top of the tank. But its in more flow so I doubt it'll ever go up there. I make sure it eats too. thanks!


nygel its in ur 29 gallon rite? cus i wanna keep it with my fish too would it work?
post some pics if u can


Active Member
I'm no expert on pipefish by far, but the general rules I saw when researching were to make sure their isn't high flow cuz they hate that, make sure nothing could hurt them cuz they are slow (anenomes, stinging corals [oops], mean fish), and make sure they eat (pretty much feed them with a syringe of something). So I'd say do some research and see what happens.
I just went in to take a few more pictures of him (it is a he). He is moving around more, he's not just in the front of the tank, hes exploring the rock structure I made for him. So here are some pics from today, and a fts from yesterday. [you could also check out my thread in 'nano tanks']



Active Member
and bobby, idk, like i said i'd just look up soem stuff. I try not to advise anyone on anything cuz the things I do in my tank are sometimes controversial.