

Active Member
this is for aggressive saltwater tanks only not agressive freshwater tanks. I doubt anyone had them on here before. If you are interested on learning about them go check out waterwolves.com


Active Member
Suposedly its illegal to keep real pirahnas... but Pacu's are like the closet legal thing to a pirahna that you can buy (suposedly)... I have one of these and they get huge in a short amount of time.
Btw cartman101... I see nothing saying he cant ask about aggressive freshwater tanks.. who said this forum is for aggressive freshwater tanks only?


Originally Posted by Cartman101
this is for aggressive saltwater tanks only not agressive freshwater tanks. I doubt anyone had them on here before. If you are interested on learning about them go check out waterwolves.com
Who said this is just for saltwaterfish?


are you sure they're pirahnas ? red-bellied pacu's looks almost exact. i have 2 and i love these guys. still babys


I saw the forum entitled " Aggressive Fish." It doesnt say anything about ONLY fresh or ONLY SW. I thought that this forum was to ask questions about any fish.
I live near the RI border and I have also heard of people going there to buy piranhas since they are illegal in Mass.


Active Member
Anyone want a free large Pacu in Mass...Also have a tiger Oscar and Jack dempsey...all free.
catch is...you got to take the pacu :p


I had 8 large red belly prianha in my 125 gallon.They were really messy and easily spooked.I found that large pieces of driftwood and lots of current settled them down a little,also,if you can get them to eat pelet food like mine did with goldfish once a week for a treat,the water parimeters stayed aot better.My largest was around 8 1/2 inches.They had a large(14 inch)common pleco as a tank mate and only nipped his fin once.I eventually sold them and went reef.


Active Member
The website is:
So this forum is for aggressive saltwater fish.
I've also cared for them before. All in all, pretty but pretty darn boring, IMO. Can be very skitish.


use to keep them as well, they are pretty skittish fish and really aren't as aggressive as people think they are, but can be aggressive if they want obviously.