Pistol/Goby Pairs


Active Member
nice pic! My camera is busted, or else I would post my pair of engineer gobies. They both stay in the same rock, and are always sticking their heads out, side-by-side.


Cool pictures.
Does these little guys burrow, compromising rock structures. Please tell me a little bit about their behaviour.


Yeah, his burrowing is borderline neurotic. I don't worry about my rock all that much because most are buried in the sand anyway and are large pieces. If that weren't the case then yes, I'd be concerned about earthquakes. I wouldn't trade him in for anything though. I think the goby/shrimp pair is about as interesting as anything you can put in a tank.


Active Member
Looks cool I used to have a yellow watchman and a piston in my 29 a year or two ago. They were cool, but I hardly every saw them. They burrowed in the back of the tank..


Thanks you, Innsmouth. I'm thinking about setting up a 29 gal just for the pair and some other mid level swimming fish.


Active Member
I have a yellow clown goby. Would he be friends with a pistol shrimp too? I also have a fire shrimp. Would they get along?



Originally posted by hagfish
I have a yellow clown goby. Would he be friends with a pistol shrimp too? I also have a fire shrimp. Would they get along?

a clown goby will not pair up with a shrimp, and it has to be a pistol shrimp


Active Member
MarkyMark, you misunderstood my question. I'm asking if my clown goby would befriend a pistol shrimp. And if a pistol shrimp would cause any trouble with my fire shrimp (which I already have). Or vise versa.


Pistols have been reported to have preyed on ornamental shrimps which would include cleaners like the fire shrimp. Mayeb it would maybe it wouldn't. The eternal rub of SW. I don't think clown gobies will pair up with pistold shrimps.