pistol shrimp and a goby


Hey guys, I think i've decided to go for a pistol shrimp and a goby in my 25 gal. Any thoughts, experiences, or suggestions on different species would be wonderful!!!
Also, how thick is a good substrate for keeping gobies??


Active Member
best with med/fine sand
and most small gobys I think. like hifins
I like the yellow shrimp goby.


any suggestions on species of pistol shrimp??? What is a good level of substrate also, how much....2 inches ok???


id say about atleast 2 inches
i have a tiger pistol shrimp... but i think all pistol shrimp are good for that
if you can afford it go for a yashia white ray shrimp goby.
PS be patient with your new "couple". they may take some time to find eachother. if you really want to, you can order/buy them at the same time and then acclimate them with eachother... there sure to find eachother that way