Has anyone had a pistol shrimp and a yellow watchman goby form a symbiotic relationship? My LFS store say that they will and my fish book says that they might. I wonder if it's worht trying. I have the goby just need the shrimp.
There is no 100% guarantee, it is very likely if you get a shrimp that comes from the same ocean that they will pair up.
I had a pairing of yasha hase/Randalls, it was really cool.
I have had 4 gobies pair up with tiger pistol shrimp, 2 pink-spotted, one Yasha Hashe and one Monster Goby. There is no guarantee but it will most likely happen over time even if it taked a month or so. Some of my goobies paired up with a shrimp that is not considered their 'match' if that makes you feel any better.
Ok, I added a pistol shrimp. He has dissapeared like I expected he would. Hopefully, he will pair up. He was clicking away as I was adding him to the tank.
You might not see him much so don't be surprised if he's hard to find. I don't see mine for a couple of days, then he decides to redecorate the front of the tank and he's suddenly out in the open for a day or two.
The first few days in the tank my pistols never make their presence known but once they are comfortable they are out quite frequently. What does the goby seem to think so far? Keep us updated. :jumping:
The bad thing today was my goby was found in the overflow box and was not easy to get out. I think now he has found a more comfortable place. I plan to add the ret of my sand slowly over time and I will make sure there is enough in his area. I will let you know about the pistol shrimp. He is still MIA.