Pistol Shrimp and Goby


Active Member
Last week I received a pistol shrimp from SWF.com hoping to have it pair up with by goby. After not seeing the shrimp since he went in the tank, he finally showed today. WITH the goby. Too cool. Thought I would share some pics. If anyone knows exactly what kind of goby this is, please let me know. I think it's either a pinkspot watchman or pink spotted shrimp. Here's some pics:


Active Member
Thats so awesome. I planned on getting a Pistol shrimp and an orange stripe prawn goby, just for that reason. Is any goby symbiotic with the pistol shrimp? what kind do you have?


two questions.
One these two pair upand then what. Do they just swim around together or what, lease help me understand their relationship?
Next what noise does it make (mantis shrimp)? Can I hear loudly?


Active Member
Anyone know exactly what kind of goby I have?
Did'nt you buy it?
I think its an sleeper banded goby, or a watchman spotted goby. It looks more like the watchman, but icould be wrong.


Active Member
Doxboi; the relationship they should have is kinda like room mates. The shrimp takes on keeping the apartment tidy while the goby keeps an eye out for harassing neighbors. That's how it works in the wild. These two are just cohabitating at the moment. Not sure if either one is pulling their fair share at apartment living. As for noise. I don't know as I haven't heard any new sounds yet.
aarone: I get your question, but I'm sure you've had someone say that an animal is one type only to find out later that it was something else. It was sold as a "watchman spotted goby." I was just curious if anyone knew for sure.
watterfaller1; thanks for your research. In fact, the site you "quoted" was where this guy came from a year ago. I've just learned that sometimes they get it wrong.


Active Member
The site that both of you guys mentioned, is where i found my info out also. Good site for quick facts about fishies!:)


I was thinking about adding a goby and shrimp to my 30g reef but I was worried about the shrimp catching my peppermints and cleaner. Aren't you worried about that?


This has been a great post I am now considering getting a goby when my tank is established. I do have a quick question. I have noticed that it says they like to be kept in pairs. Would 1 pistol shrimp take on 2 gobies or would you need a pistol shrimp for each of them? Do pistol shrimp cause any problems in tanks?


Active Member
So far no problems with other shrimp. There are four peppermints and a scarlet cleaner in the tank as well. All inhabitants were moved into the 55 within a week of each other. (New shipment plus old guys from my 46 bowfront I took down) I think that has helped since no one really had claimed any territory yet. The peps have checked the pistol out, as shown above, but they haven't been close enough for any problems. Given the size of the claw on that pistol I think the peps will leave him alone.
As for pairs. I've read that too and I don't know how they would react. If you go that route please let us know what you experience.