pistol shrimp & goby???



Any chance a pistol shrimp and watchman goby could survive in a 6 ft FOWLR if they were the first inhabitants and had a chance to dig in? Possible tankmates include:
dwarf lion
picasso trigger
hippo tang
dwarf angels
The little guy is tearing up my reef tank, takes anything loose (frags, etc) and drags them under the sand to shore up his tunnels. Like the pair alot, but would like them better somewhere else.


if you sepperated the trigger and the lion from them long enough for them to make a burrow to live in it might work. The pistol digs a large den and the goby lives there with him. The shrimp then keeps an antena on the fish at all times. If the fish darts inside the shrimp does the same so if they are under a rock (and the sand is deep enough) it could work. But on the other hand the trigger could make an easy snak out of them and so could the lion. But i have kept a pistol in a tank with a trio of toby puffers and it di very well even when all my hermits became snacks. Its iffy at best.


i have a pistol and goby with a pair of clowns in a tank and my shrimp ventures out pretty far always moving sand like a bulldozer, and if he was with my triggers he'd be history