Pistol shrimp rode in on some LR


New Member
Have had my tank set up for 4 wks, only have a hermit in it rt now with 3 different small shrooms that I just got yesterday!! Love 'em! All my levels are great, I'm setting the tank up for pipefish(2) I found out that I have a pistol shrimp, (he's very cool!!) am wondering if this will be ok with the pipefish?? He's very small, not even 1" ! From everything I've read about them, they seem ok to have, but am wanting to hear from people who actually have/had them, any problems w/them?? Am also wanting to know if there is any type of crab (besides hermit) that I can have along w/pipefish?? Would appreciate any comments/suggestions....


Active Member
Are you 100% positive it's a pistol? To me they look like little lobsters. Some lobsters are notorious for killing anything that swims or walks near it.


New Member
Well it makes an awful lot of racket with all the "snapping", that's how I new there was something in the tank, but wasn't sure what it was, then I happened to see something a few days ago that was "shrimp-like", but very fast, so took out the rock it was in and put it in a bowl with part fresh water and out he came!!! Very small w/black stripes and one claw bigger than the other.... Tiger Pistol? So I just dropped him back in the tank for now anyway...


Active Member
Do a search for pistol shrimp then mantis shrimp at the top of this page to be sure. A pistol is good a mantis is bad.


Active Member
Freaks you out when you walk by and hear the 'snap' coming from the tank. Some nights you wonder if there are two of them having a shoot out. :D



Originally posted by crikket
Am also wanting to know if there is any type of crab (besides hermit) that I can have along w/pipefish?? Would appreciate any comments/suggestions....

You ought to be able to put arrow crabs and emerald crabs in with the pipefish.


New Member
Hey thanks for the response BBTX!!
I have heard that Arrow crabs would not be good, that they would attemp to eat the smaller/slower things........ ?? Just what I've heard and read. I really like the emerald crabs, but wasn't sure if they would be ok w/pipefish......... What about an Anemone crab, do they HAVE to be w/an anemone???