Pistol Shrimp Snapping


Active Member
I got a tiger pistol shrimp 2-3 weeks ago and he's a very busy little fella..... reminds me of a small bulldozer! I don't see him very much but I see his handiwork often. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that he's always moving sand around? On the one hand he's keeping it clean and sifted but that can cause water parameter problems too, right?
Anyway, I have read how they produce the snapping sound and how the force can stun/kill their enemy but what would cause him to just snap when there's no predators or enemies around? This is the second time I've heard the repeated snapping coming from the tank after the lights are out. Is he scaring something off or is he just amusing himself?


Sue, This is very normal behavior. They are actually nearly blind and can not see very far at all (hence the usual relationship they have with a goby) and it might just be snapping to ward off any potential predators, or even a hermit crab might have intruded his burrow, which will cause him to 'shoot'.
My tiger pistol rarely snaps, but the Caribbean pistol will very brazenly approach anything near his coral and snap, including at me!


Active Member
I love pistol shrimp, especially the Tiger pistols. They are great for keeping the sand healthy and yes, they do occasionally snap, nothing to worry about. They usually do not bother other fish. Hope you get a yellow goby or other shrimp goby for it to house together.
Here is the trio I used to keep. Theya ll lived together and the largest yellow turn female and changed color. Cool animals to keep. Jus tuse caution on leaving small coras onthe saand bed because the pistol WILL use them to build its burrow walls with.
PS/Is that a Sulcata or just a Box in your avatar?


Active Member
Hi Guys, and thanks for the replies. I'm sitting on the couch right now in the room with the tank and I've heard him snap a few times in the past few minutes. I wondered if that meant he were stressed/scared by something or somehow unhappy but if it's normal behavior I'll not change anything about the environment. Lord knows he makes enough changes to it by himself!
I added a sharpnose puffer in there yesterday so I was hoping he wasn't trying to snap at that. LUckily the puffer doesn't seem to go anywhere near where the tiger pistol calls home.
When I bought the tiger pistol I bought him paired with a yellow watchman goby. Unfortunately the goby didn't even live 48 hours so the shrimp is alone. I've thought about getting him another friend..... what are the chances that another goby (or blenny?) will pair up with him? I mean, is it 50/50 or worse? I paid extra to get a "paired" team but that blew up in my face when the watchman died so fast. The guy I bought him from offered me a replacement but I haven't taken him up on it. I"m not sure I want to risk it again from the same tank.
So if you think the shrimp could use another buddy, what do you suggest I buy for him? And how big? are the chances of pairing better if I buy a tiny goby or a bigger one? I really like the blennies - are my chances equal with them or do I really need to stick with a shrimp goby?
Thanks again for letting me know the occasional snap is normal. I was afraid hewas signalling unhappiness.


My tiger pistol is best buds with a diamond watchman goby. They are inseparable. Speaking of snapping, I just heard him as I was typing this


Active Member
I guess whatever I get for him at this point will be a "hit or miss". Hopefully it won't be a "hit" with the pistol!
Does it seem to make any difference how small or large the goby is?