pistol shrimp


i am thing about getting one,,,, i have found some info on them but not sure yet,,,,what do you think????


They will dig and hide but they are very interesting animals. Add a shrimp goby for a truly unique friendship. I've had two and I'm looking for another one (first 2 mated pair I sold).


Just be ready to hear some very strange sounds...my pistol was (I had to sell it after it got over 2 inches) in my front room, but would still wake me up at night. I'm a light sleeper, and 'Snappy' was a pain. Yet, very cool little creature; roomed with my high-fin goby.


Yea, they're great. I love hearing the snapping coming from the tank. Useally I hear ::SNAP SNAP SNAP:: and I look over to see one of my other crabs hauling tail out of my pistols rock.
Get one and call him Wyatt Earp


Active Member
and dont put any corals near the sand or they will get covered and killed. Ive lost many corals to my pistol covering them in sand.


Active Member
I would get one, but I dont have a deep enough sand bed for his liking. Id buy one in a heartbeat if I could. One came as a hitchhiker in one of my fathers old tanks and it used to live in the fake cave we had. Click click click every few minutes hahahaha


If you have enough rockwork, that might take the place of the sandbed. It worked pretty good for my pistol.


I just bought a mated pair. Randals shrimp Goby and a Michaels pistol. Very cool they are very close. Thanks for the suggestion I think I will call mine Doc Holiday


Active Member
pistols do not need a super deep bed. I had a mated pair (shrimp and barbershop goby) in my pico. I still have the shrimp, I lost my goby to old age. I only have around 1 to 1 1/2 in of sand. The shrimp loves to borrow under the piece of rock that I have.
I highly recommend getting a pistol shrimp. they are incredible.