Pistol Shrimp


I was thinking of getting a pistol shrimp, I do have some small ghost shrimp in my tank and not sure if the pistol shrimp could harm them. It would be a small pistol shrimp and most of the things I read seem to say that a pistol shrimp is fine but one spot said no problems with the possible exception of small shrimp.


Active Member
pistil shrimp is very peaceful. i hv one that stays in or near its hole all the time. they will snap their claws if intuders r near.


i have 3 pistols in my tank.... also have cleaner skunks and a fire shrimp in with them... also in the tank are a few sexy shrimp...which are quite small.. as small as ghost shrimp... and my pistols dont bother or harm anything unless provoked will do that snapping thing they do.


Active Member
I have two pistols. Hardly see them except at feeding time. Depending on how small the ghost shrimp are and if they wander in or too close to a pistol's hole, they could be a meal for the pistol.
But arent that what ghost shrimps are for...haha, just kidding...but IMO, could be risky.


He is doing fine in tank. he built a little place under some plant but I have two hi-fin gobies who havent found him yet, I think they help pistol shrimp? I do also have a watchman goby but im not sure if they can have symbiotic relationships with the pistol.


Active Member
Both the Hi-fins ( nice ) and the Watchman Gobies can form a relation with Pistols. No guarantee they will though. Hope you rocks are secure because the shrimp will push lots of sand from under them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by justlooking
are hi-fin's considered shrimp gobies?
Yes. So is your watchman.


I got the pistol at my local store and he is doing good, dug a little burrow under some plant. When I feed he doesnt come out at all, do they scavenge at night?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ewetmill
Would Harlequin Shrimp be okay with a pistol shrimp?
yep...had both in my old reef tank never had any problem