Pistol Shrimp ?


Active Member
So, ever since I bout my LR 2 years ago for my current tank. I have heard a poping sound in my tank. I have never scene the shrimp and it must be a small one at that. I have scene a small claw reach out of one of the holes in my LR and quickly go back in. So it must be the dwarf species.
My question is how do I get him out of the tank?
I want to move him to another tank. Any ideas?


Get him or her a gobie and you'll know for sure. My shrimp and gobie tunnel and are active all day and night. Your shrimp my not come out because he has no gobie to protect him. Just a thought, plus I really enjoy my watchman gobie and Randall shrimp.


not sure if this will work in your case or not but might be worth a shot. if he mainly stays in one rock do a hyper salinity bath. the critters that live in and on that rock should go looking for better water giving you the oportunity to chose and pick with critters you want to keep/move.


Active Member
Originally Posted by loopy101
not sure if this will work in your case or not but might be worth a shot. if he mainly stays in one rock do a hyper salinity bath. the critters that live in and on that rock should go looking for better water giving you the oportunity to chose and pick with critters you want to keep/move.

How much time do you think I will have for the dip? I have a favites brain coral on that rock. It wasn't a frag it's just part of the rock.