Pistol shrimp.


how do pistol shrimp find a goby for a partner? i have a watchman goby and just added a pistol shrimp today. how will they work this partnership out? my pistol shrimp makes clicking or popping noises. how dose he make these noises? will the pistol shrimp break my tank glass ? or kill anything in my tank? hwat does the pistol shrimp eat?


I have one with a my yellow watchman gobie. They have been together for 3 weeks and not nonded yet. The poping sound he makes comes from one of his claws. He will not bother your fish unless they go inside his whole. They canot break glass so dont worry. You can feed them just about anything.


my LFS has a pair- i keep wanting to buy it-- its been there for about a month, and no one has bought it. they want 69.00, and i just can't afford it right now, but i look at them and sigh each time i go in....



Originally posted by BigBoneDee
What cost 69.00 a pair????????:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yeah- they want 69.00 for the yellow watchman goby and the pistol shrimp it is paired up with. he got them allready 'bonded'... they are really cute together. Its a lot of cash, but i guess being allready bonded, you dont have to worry about weather or not they will work together or not....


My LFS is over-priced...I keep forgetting that rofl I was looking at that and thinking "Damn that's a good deal!" They charge 30something for pistol shrimp and 40something for most small fish. When you get into the lionfish and most bigger or prettier fish, he starts getting *really* high.

reef aquaria

New Member
What does your pistol shrimp look like? We have a red one that never bonded with the gobies we bought for it; we tried a pair of hi fins and wheelers watchman. Our striped pistol bonded with a yellow watchman.