Pistol Shrimp


Does anyone know for sure if pistol shrimp are dangerous in a reef tank? I have 3 pistols, which came into my tank on live rock that I collected from the Texas Gulf (seeded near Port Aransas). I have noticed my small hermit crabs have been disappering and don't know if the pistol shrimp are responsible, or if one of the many predatory crabs I have removed were the culprit.
My tank was stocked from a collecting trip to the gulf with rock, ghost shrimp, hermit crabs, anemoneas and salt marsh mollies. I want to add coral and tropical fish, but am waiting till I decide about the pistol shrimp. (My kids have named them, so I don't want to remove them if I don't have to).
Also, many people have told me that pistol shrimp can break glass. I don't really believe that, but would love to hear from anyone that has actually had it happen.


I have a Pistol in my reef. He has done no damage or caused any harm. He just burrows and keeps to himself with his goby. He will occasionally 'click' when he is looking for the goby or someone is near his home, to warn them to stay way. As far as breaking the glass, I have heard that mantis shrimp are capable of doing that, but have not heard so about a pistol. My guess with your crabs, is that it was one your predatory crabs. I sometimes catch the bigger crabs in my tank picking on the smaller ones. In all, my opinion is that a pistol is a great addition to the tank, especially with a goby:)


i have a couple of pistols in my tank.. i tried catching them.. but they are really really quick.
they havent hurt anything, and i now feed them with a feeding stick every week or so.
i dont have a wactchman that will take one of those, but that may be the next one i get to see if it will take em.
I have a beautiful purple Pistol in my tank and I have mushrooms, no other corals. The only problem I have is the pistol likes to decorate his burrow with my mushrooms. I've never seen him do it but one day the shrooms are on the rock and the next they are around his burrow. So far he's moved 4 of them and he always picks the most colorful ones. Wouldn't trade him though. It's pretty cool to watch him and my Watchman Goby. Good Luck!


Thanks for the advice...You have saved the little shrimp from "prison tank".
By the way, what do you feed your shrimp?
Oh, I forgot the Mantis is the one that can break glass or your finger. Don't think you have to worry about the Pistol Shrimp though. I'm pretty sure there's is more noise than "bite".
As far a feeding goes we do a mixture of Formula One, Formula Two and Brine shrimp. Seems to keep everyone healthy and happy.