Pitures from 2 year ago when I started


I had to take the cannopy off the paint was still givving off an odor. Then it started to leach in to the water because my fish were starting to shake and go nuts. It has been over two weeks i have had it off and fans blowing on it to get rid of the fumes, but they are still there faint but i don't want to risk it again. Any one know of a way to get rid of them, is there any other options or just wait it out?


Active Member
I have a question on how you did your canopy. How did you get the wood to bow and stay like that. I have a 54 corner bow and want to make a canopy for it. Do you have any pictures of your process. if co could you post them in the diy section.
Very nice tank



No, I did not take any pictures of the build. I built a form from 3/4" plywood and 2x2 pickets after the form is correct and the radius is right. Then I had 3 sheets of 1/4" plywood I used liquid nails on each sheet then slide them in to the form clamped and screwed them together and left them for two days. Just cut the rough ends and sand


Active Member
I think you should add a black background on the back..its nice cause then you cant see the wires and everything behind the tank. makes it look cleaner.