Pix of my 150 FOWLR


thanks.. all
i recently added some live sand on top of the hoem depot quikcrete play sand..... (btw i didnt have any probs with the home depot play sand..just wanted to see if i could seed itquikly with some live sand)
i purchased a few bags of arag carib sand from the lfs.. i grabbed the bags that looked most similar to the home depot play sand.. however, once i got home and added it to my tan i discovered that the ara caric sand is alot lighter than the home depot sand! so now my sand bed is almost pure white!!
i know it was a noob mistake, but im digging the white look alot better anyway.......
i also added a lawn mower blennie to help with algae.. but i havent seen him since i introduced him?
was he trigger food? or do they just hide all day??
these are pix from yesterday when i just added the live sand ontop of the home dept sand....



Originally Posted by scotty37
What is the length of this tank (distance out from the wall). I am thinking of buying a tank that has a canopy built to be set up like this one. Thanks
the length of this tank is 70 inches
it is 70 inches from wall and 32 inches tall... i got lucky when i purchased this home that the tank was already in place with an unfinished sump in the basement...


here are some new pix 1 day after adding the live sand.. water is clearing up nicely.. nothing like the mudbath i created b4

more live rock on the way...


You have a beautiful tank set up there....Beautiful fish!! Where a tank sits really makes a difference..I would love to have one that divides a room..way more visibility! It gives it so many more options! It will be interesting to see you tank progress! And yes! LOTS more rock! looking good Jason!


Gorgeous set up.
I agree with AZFishgal. I bought 100lbs of rock of this site. very cheap, no bad hitchhikers and great coraline algae. Can't be beat IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JasonY
the length of this tank is 70 inches
it is 70 inches from wall and 32 inches tall... i got lucky when i purchased this home that the tank was already in place with an unfinished sump in the basement...
Wow, what luck! Hope I run into that when I go shopping for my new house (just put my 125 tank up, so hopefully no time soon
). With a tank that size I'd do a "reef" tank, it would look beautiful in a room like that. Regardless it will be fun to see this tank progress.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JasonY
here are some new pix 1 day after adding the live sand.. water is clearing up nicely.. nothing like the mudbath i created b4

more live rock on the way...

Just thought I would comment. I noticed windex on top of tank. This could wipe out your whole system with just one little bump. Don't keep any chemicals areound your tank. It may seem like nothing, that is until your in a hurry to grab it and it accidently tips over.
Just thought I'd give you a heads up.
Your tank is gorgeous. Love the divider idea.


Wow, it looks like they are floating in the air
prestine water and clean glass, beautiful tank. Gorgeous.


Active Member
about the sunlight, homedepot has this clingy window covering stuff ,in my HDepot it's in the kitchen area by where the cabinets and such are-i see you are into the more modern look so the curtain thing might scare ya cruise up to the HD and see if you like any of the window clingies i have seen some that look like stained glass &some that are just a frosty look you may have more of a selection at your HD...beautiful tank....our first blenny died because it starved to death in our new tank...if he still lives get him some algae pellets


Active Member
i have a secret love for fowlrs (sshhh dont tell anyone) it just makes the fish pop out more and everything is so steril... and yours is no exception. love the tank and the current stock list. if i were you i would drop some colorful tangs, your tank is big enough so that should be fun. make shure you add that lr tho, then add more fish... congrats on the tank, and nice barstools


thanks so much everyone, i really appreciate it
especially the concern about the windex.. i will never do that again..

im thinking of getting a naso tang next..
quik question...is there any way to arrange rock formations by stringing them along a metal pipe or something like that.. in order to do weird bridges and arches?
will a small metal pipe harm the tank?


ok thanx.. then how do ppl go about constructing long bridges and arches? what is holding the rock in place? maybe a pvc pipe running thru all the rocks on the arch?
I would put a lot more LR in there and do some really cool aquascaping, you have so much potential with that size tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JasonY
ok thanx.. then how do ppl go about constructing long bridges and arches? what is holding the rock in place? maybe a pvc pipe running thru all the rocks on the arch?
Some people use PVC pipes and others zip ties (you won't see it after a while). I just bought some really nice base rock and then stacked my live rock on top. But with your tank, since you can see it from both sides, it wouldn't hurt to use something to secure it to. Several people here have done that. Just do a search and you'll see.
This is my tank and i didn't use anything to secure the rock (it's steady though), but it did take me several attempt to get it just right.

This is an old picture, but my rock work is still the same. Try and keep your rock off the sides, so you can clean the glass, and the fish can swim around it. With your tank having viewing from both sides you don't want it leaning up against the glass.


thanx alot for the suggestions...by zip ties, ur talkin bout the normal plastic 10 for a dollar hardware store garbage bag-esque zip ties?


Active Member
Most live rocks have holes and things that make it easy to put the zip tie through and then attach to another rock. Once you are done, cut the extra off and in no time you won't be able to see the zip ties in your tank.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Most live rocks have holes and things that make it easy to put the zip tie through and then attach to another rock. Once you are done, cut the extra off and in no time you won't be able to see the zip ties in your tank.

running out to home depot now to get a bag of zip ties