Pix of my Tank

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richard rendos

Active Member
Looks like a new tank. How long has it been set up? Hard to tell because the pics are kinda dark. Why is some of the sand brown? Just curious.


hi,i am real proud for you..i've followed you progress on this board and am proud that thru your determination you have done it!you never gave up..keep us posted on the progress.the pictures are beautiful..


Active Member
I think it is an excelent start.. What are your plans for the tank? I mean lights? Types of fish? Corals?
Like I said, a good start.. Just go slow and read all you can...


Active Member
The tank was a little hard to see, but other than that it looked nice. Was the 2nd to last picture the same tank? It looked like an Eclipse. GL
all the pix of the one tank and WAMP my plans for lights are 2 more 18" 15w for the front and thoughs are gonna have 50/50 in em like the 2 that i have now are and my fish and coarl and invert plans are: 2 purpel firefish 1 royal gramma 1 scooter blenny 3 yellow head jaw fish 1 or 2 oscellaris clowns 1 more cleaner 2 cammel backs 1 ss star 5 mexican turbos 1 bubbel coarl ,pearl 1 green star polyp 1 or more feather dusters and 1 more coarl of some sort


Active Member
I'd say remove the damsels now and think about alot more snails for ealry algae control. I like the natural filtration method down to the hermit/crab/snails method.
You have a lot of nice LR and your tank should do quite nicely.

ed r

The tank and rock look very nice. The pictures may be dark because the camera flash is reflecting into the lens. With the tank light on, you may have better luck with the flash disabled. If you can't do that, move slightly to one side so that the reflection will miss the camera lens. What lighting do you currently have in the tank? It does seem a little dark, but as you say the pictures scanned dark. It looks like you are making a lot a progress. Good luck with it.


How much sand do you have in there? It looks like about 6" deep? Then in the pics on the bottom it looks like most of it is gone. Whats going on?


New Member
Nice one man , to bad about the scanner im sure it looks great tho. i how many galls looks to me like 40/45. Perhaps a bit more couler , but its in the early stages so thats fine. when do u think u will get the other tank up , i'de like to see it in action. Nice rocks to. get more photos of it in the future i'de love to see it when its finished. :)