pix posting for mac users


I need help posting pix of my tank the other threads give advice for pc's how do i go about posting pix since i have a mac book thanks in advance


posting the pics on the mac should be no different then on a PC. as long as you copy you link, push the little
at the top of the box you type in, and paste the URL of your pic, it should work. If not, go buy a PC
I am not 100% sure of macs, but as far as I know IE is IE, Netscape is Netscape, and Firefox is Firefox. Depending on if you are using a different browser than those listed, perhaps using one of those will alleviate your problem. Some other browsers don't always support the plugins that different sites use. I use Firefox and Internet Explorer all the time, and never really have an issue...unless using IE x64, but that's a whole new can of worms
Or you can manually try and type it in like this:
(there should be no spaces after
If you put the spaces in you will get a:

I hope that helps a little bit. Good luck!


I use a mac. I upload my pics to kodak mobile then drag them to my desktop. Use the attachment paper clip to attach the pic.


I use a mac. I just pull up the pic with preview (comes installed on the mac). If I need to adjust the files to fit the 650x550 requirement, from preview I goto Tools->adjust size and you should be able to set the width and height. The program will auto adjust so the pic looks uniform. You can then do a File->save and to give a name. I tend to amend -swf to any photo I adjust so I have the original and a copy that can be posted directly to this website.


i use a mac at home and pc at work and there both the same for posting pics.
if you got them on photobucket just roll over a pic then click on the IMG Code, this will copy the link for which ever pic you want then paste it in your post and poof it appears no need to mess with the attachment stuff.