Pkipne Puffer not lookin good!!!!


I have a 3" prkipne puffer that was going great just the other day but suddenly he's not lookin so good. His eyes are wide open and his mouth is also wide open all the time (his smile is gone). It also seems like he's having a herd time swimming - he's bumping into everything. This all started after I added 3 new fish to my tank..........Any ideas on how to help him????


Active Member
Realistically 3 fish should never be added at the same time. They probably threw your parameters out of whack and, even if they didn't, they put your puffer through significant stress.


Originally Posted by crimzy
Realistically 3 fish should never be added at the same time. They probably threw your parameters out of whack and, even if they didn't, they put your puffer through significant stress.
VERY Bad move on my part.........i knew in my gut that 3 was tooooo many but the "expert
" at the local reef store assured me it would be ok siince I was dealin with a 125g..............Do u think hes gonna die??? or can I do something to help????


Active Member
Originally Posted by jkcrumb
VERY Bad move on my part.........i knew in my gut that 3 was tooooo many but the "expert
" at the local reef store assured me it would be ok siince I was dealin with a 125g..............Do u think hes gonna die??? or can I do something to help????
Test your water and do some water changes. My guess is that you probably have no better place for the 3 fish so once you know your water levels are good, then you just have to wait it out.


What are your water parameters? And also what 3 fish were added? Maybe one of them is picking on the puffer. I had a niger trigger that pounded on my puffer and completely stressed him out. Needless to say the trigger went back to the LFS.