Placement of Zoos


I have a small colony of zoos I picked up from the LFS attached to a small piece of branchy looking live rock. Right now I have them attached to a rock low in my tank under metal halide lighting and average water flow. I'm wondering if there is a better way or area to place them. They seem to be doing okay where they are, but not as good as when I first placed them in the tank.
Here's is a not very good picture of them - I will try for a better one when I get home.
Thanks for any advice.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/386770/placement-of-zoos#post_3399051
What kind of lighting were they under in the store and how far away from it were they?
At the store, I would say they were maybe 18" or so from the light and in my tank, they are about 12" from the light. I moved them yesterday to a slightly different spot and put them at different angle, but they are still about 12" from the light.


I think the zoos are going to be okay. They've all opened up and seem to like the new spot and angle