placing anenome in tank


New Member
is there any special place that an anenome should be placed. this is my first one and it did not stay where i put it. should i move it where it can get direct current. it is kinda stacked between two rocks right now. should i move it or let it do its own thing?


It'll move if it wants/needs to. My anemone constantly moves to places it shouldn't be, I just leave it alone.


Active Member
Ananomes are mobile creatures...And will travel the tank until the find the perfect spot where they can get addequate light, flow, etc. Just let it make its way around until it finds that spot.


Anenomies do tend to be dumb and blind though.. if it dissapears behind a rock you might want to try resetting it somewhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shnabbles
Anenomies do tend to be dumb and blind though.. if it dissapears behind a rock you might want to try resetting it somewhere.

Personally, I disagree with this. They may do this because the lighting is too bright for them, etc. Let them go where they want. Trying to remove them from someplace can cause much more harm than good, IMO.