Placing Corals In a Tank


Active Member
I just got my first 2 corals a few hours ago. I am not sure if I placed on of them in a god position. It did not open up yet though. I will post a pic. It's a hammer coral and at the LFS it seemed like they placed it facing upwards and I placed it differentley. Please let me know if it needs to be repositioned.
Thanks Adam


Placement looks good (attitude/position) but what type of lighting do you have and how deep is your tank. The favite (pineapple brain) is usually found on sand bed.


Active Member
I have 260W of Pc lighting and 65W of T%5 lighting. Should I move the brain onto the sand? I wanted to keep him at mid level to get more light.


Active Member
thats a favia and a hammer coral. They favia is another lps coral. they could use medium flow and medium to high lighting. put them as high as possible. Btw good for you and congrats as this is where is gets addicting. ***)