placing glass between tank???


is it possible to place a proper sized glass right down the middle of my 20gal QT to keep my two fish in the QT separated?
this shouldnt affect the water parameters right? like temp, and filtration


Active Member
I did it in my refugium and it works well. You have to get good water flow between the seperate chambers. How do you have your QT set up? Where does water come in from and where does it leave?


Active Member
They make mesh dividers for most standard sized small tanks...You should be able to find one at the lfs...
Or you could cut a piece of "eggcrate" to fit...
That would allow the water to flow and remain stable throughout the tank and keep the fish seperated...


Active Member
Go back to Home Depot and look in the "lighting" dept.
Egg crate is a white plastic fluorescent light "diffuser", 1/2" squares,
comes in a 2' X 4' piece, and has many uses in the home aquarium...