Placing the coral?



I,ve been having problems keeping my coral in place on my live rock. I,ve heard of the super glue. How does this work? Any body else have any good ideas?


I've used epoxy made for this purpose. Sorry, I can't recall the brand name, but I've used a green wand-shaped stuff with a white center. (You break off a piece and mix the green and white together then apply.) It's pretty white when hardened so you want to make sure it doesn't show (you can trim it while it's still somewhat soft). Worked just fine for me.
However, my LFS was reluctant to recommend using it - mainly because you will want to move the little guys around occasionally. Sometimes you get one coral bothering another, or discoverd that the conditions aren't the best and need to move one. (We moved our jets to try and decrease some red algae build-up and this seriously affected the location of the high and low current areas). So you only want to use it when absolutely necessary. We've got 8 or 9 corals in our tank and I've only glued one (a yellow leather near the top - loves light - and the snails were always knocking it off - too long a drop IMO). It takes some work to arrange them so they're not precarious, but I think it's best if you can.
[This message has been edited by KMatysek (edited 04-28-2000).]


I also use epoxy to hold corals in place. If you want to move the coral later, it may be possible to break the epoxy off. I also use electric ties, available in white or black. I use them to tie corals up to create caves and also use them to tie the live rock together so the rock does not topple.