Placing Xenia


Good evening to all,
Just wandering where xenia is supposed to be placed in a tank. My LFS had it in a bucket almost directly next to the power head is this correct. I just purchased some but was wandering where it is theoretically supposed to be placed I have read elsewhere that it prefers the bottom of the tank. Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
At the bottom..... and away from any rock structure, unless you want it to spread everywhere quick. They spread like weeds. :D


i have got a xenia too. but this is off topic. but, i bought a pulsing xenia like 2 weeks ago. the guy at the lfs said that it would be fine in my tank. but it is not opening up, and it is not pulsing anymore.
do you know the requirements i need for my xenia.(lighting, nutrients,etc.)?


I don't necessarily know the nutrient levels, but I have mine close to the top of my tand with a moderate to low flow of water. I have been told that if it is getting too much water flow tht it will not "pump" as much.


As for the lighting I was told strong. I have 2 65w atinics and 2 65w pc and mine is doing fine


i only have 2 light bulbs, 1 light bulb is a 50/50 55 watt
and another is a 10k 55 watt, is that enough?(i have a power compact system)


Active Member
Xenia may stop pulsing if the water current is flowing too strongly or if the parameters of the water are not ideal (nitrates, ammonia... etc.)


i have no flow in my tank, is that a problem? they stopped moving after i moved my Lr around in my tank 2 days ago.
and also, do you know how long it takes for shrooms to come out?, mine have been shrivled up for almost 2 weeks.:confused:
also, should i test my water for ph and that other stuff?


Active Member
well 2 55 watts isnt alot you would only be able to do low light corals. I dont know if xenia is or not I would have to look it up. And bizzle you dont have mutch either about .4 more than he dose still low light corals there to.


anyway, i just tested my water.
ph= 7.8
amonia=0 ppm
nitrate=10 ppm
by the way, can you give me some examples of low light corals?


Active Member
You have no flow in your tank? You mean none at all? You definatly need some flow or the water will get stale, the salinity might "layer" in the water, and waste material will build up in the tank.


well, is filtration system water entering the tank considered as a flow?
and, are my test readings good?


Active Member
Yep, your filter is considered part of your flow rate. :)
I think you should shoot for at least ten times the size of your tank per hour. So if your tank is 30 gallon, you should be pumping at least 300 gallons per hour.
As for your water tests, you want to bring your ph up to 8.2 and you may want to do a 10% water change to lower your nitrates a tad.
Make sure when adding the chemical to raise your ph that you only add half the amount the bottle tells you to. If it doesnt raise it enough, add the other half 24 hours later.
Goodl luck!
ps- what is your salinity/specific gravity at?


salinity/specific gravity is at 1.020
and i just turned on my power head to get more flow in the tank.
How is my salinity / specific gravity doing?
also, how do you raise PH level?, i have a ph buffer, is that how?


Active Member
Your specific gravity should read closer to 1.024. You can raise it buy removing 20% of your water and replacing it with water you have mixed salt in that reads 1.044. This should raise your overall tanks specific gravity to 1.024. Add the new water slowly (about 1-2 cups per hour).
You raise your ph by adding "ph up" sold in liquid form in a bottle. It might be called ph buffer, depending on the brand name you use.
If anyone has a safer/more effective way for him to raise his specific gravity, please give your opinion.


Active Member
I havent heard of any way for raising spefic gravity. But on the ph use baking soda I heard it is better.


baking soda seems kinda weird.
are you stocking mudplayerx?
i've been reading alot of threads, and you (snipe) and mudplayer are always on the same thread:notsure: lol


If you are getting evaperation you can raise your SG by topping off with salt water instead of fresh water. Be careful not to raise the SG too fast.


Active Member
Mabey it was baking powder :notsure: I know some ppl use one or the other to do it mabey wait and see what they reply.