planning 55g reef


New Member
I am planning on setting up a 55g reef. Right now I just want to get a tank with live sand and live rock. I have read that I need about 80lbs of rock and the same amount of sand.
Once site recomonded 8lbs of sand per sq ft. That means only 48lbs. Now, I also happen to have 55lbs of crushed aragonite lying around. Should I place this on the bottom, then put down some vinyl screening and then put live sand on that? I think it would give more denitrification (like a DSB).
I have heard great things about Premium Aquatics live rock, so I am going to purchase the rock along with the sand from them. I am a teenager and dont have a lot of money (at the moment (just bougt tank and equipment. I am debating on whether to buy the sand then later half the rock and later the other 1/2 of rock, or if I should save up and buy it all at once. What do you think I should do?
I also have a Seaclone protein skimmer which i plan to use and an Emporer HOB power filter. I am not sure whether to use it or not. Im thinking of returning it as it would be a nitrate factory. Any insight?
For lighting I am planning on getting an Icecap ballast 2 VHO'and running s. I am debating whether to get more(up to four). 2 bulbs give me 4 watts per gallon. 3 bulbs give 6 watts. I think four would be an overkill (8 watts). Would it be worth it to get the extra VHO and have three bulbs or even get four?
Thank you,
<img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> Justin


New Member
I just bought a bunch of live rock from Premium Aquatics and it's awesome. I've had it for 3 days and I've already found 3 corals, several copepods and tube worms. Very high quality rock. It's a great price too and shipping is cheap. Good choice to go with them.
As far as how much to get, I've heard not to go by weight but to fill your tank 1/3 with LR. In a 55 gal, about 50 lbs will do. To much more and your taking away to much water volume. With less water volume, you won't be able to put very many corals in your tank.
If your going to buy from Premium Aquatics, you can get half the rock now and half later. Their rock is very clean and cured. And, they ship it overnight which means very little die off and no ammomia spike.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
As for your lighting question. Im guessing you have a 55 long (48" long). I am also about to buy my lighting, i feel that the IceCap 660 ballast is the only way to go as far as IceCaps. Its only like $10 more than the 430. You can always add more lighting later with the 660. You could have 4 4' bulbs for a total of 440 W, which is 8 watts per gallon!!!!!!! But if you only wanted to use 2 lights now that'd be fine.

zack schwartz

Active Member
If you really want a good lighting system you should use mh. You can get just mh or mhflousent or mhPC or mhVHO. Yopu should look into it. If u do not want to retrofit it all in your canopy you should look into complete hoods!
Good luck! :D :D :D

ed r

Most people setting up reef tanks now are using Deep Sand Beds. A DSB means at least 4" of very fine sand (not crushed coral, that is too large and has too sharp of edges). My reef is a 55g. It takes a lot of sand to do it right. I put in 180 lbs of sand and ended up with a 5" depth. Don't try to salvage the CC or mess with the plastic screening, it is not worth it. With all of the money you end up spending on a reef tank, those few dollars are much better spent on getting the right sand and the right amount of sand. It is truly a PITA to change it out later as I can attest to from personal experience. Good luck with it.