Planning a order...can you help!?!


Im going to place an order from possibly tonight and i would like your opinoun... going to be making a fish and clean-up crew it is...
Percula Clown - Aquacultured 2
Scarlet Hermit Crab 5
Cleaner Shrimp 1
Nassarius Snail - Group of 10
Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10
Brittle Star 1 does this look?

sinner's girl

They aren't shipping till Jan 2...
If your list equals $79, then you're good to good, there will also be a 9.99 surchange and a 2.99 fual charge (unless they've removed that).
However, what size tank? Do you have enough algea for the snails to eat? What's your sg? Snails don't like lower sg. How long has your tank been set up? how much lr? Brittles like lr and bigger tanks. Also, brittles should go into an established fish tank (set up no less than 6 months).
I personally would get more hermits and less snails.
But the creature on list will get along and not eat each other, if that's what you want to know.


o yea sorry i's going into a 26gal tank that has been up and running for 2 years now...
sg - 1.024-1.025
i have about 30 pds. of LR
...can i tell you anything you have any other reccomondations?

sinner's girl

I wouldn't get the brittle then. My brittle got huge in my 55gl and I moved him to my 75gl. 26gl would be too small for the size he got, imo.
Just my opinion. hermits do more, I never had enough algea to keep snails alive, the ones that fell over were a pain. Hermits are always cleaning. I can spot feed the hermit shrimp when I feed my other inverts (I currently don't have fish, so the hermits don't have left over fish food or waste to eat). I wasn't really able to spot feed snails and well, they just weren't that cool to watch.
Urchins are cool, cleaner clams don't do anything but they don't require anything either.


what does an urchin do?
im just looking for a second cleaner...for the glass (mainly in the back of my tank)...any suggestions for a good glass cleaner?
do you think the amounts of things i was looking at was good for my tank and if you say get more crabs for my tank could i get 10 scarlet hermits...would that be to many?


Active Member
Originally Posted by roadrunner
Im going to place an order from possibly tonight and i would like your opinoun... going to be making a fish and clean-up crew it is...
Percula Clown - Aquacultured 2
Scarlet Hermit Crab 5
Cleaner Shrimp 1
Nassarius Snail - Group of 10
Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10
Brittle Star 1 does this look?
To me your list looks fine except the brittle star. If you you have a depletion of algae, you can always feed algae strips to the snails. :happyfish


Member didn't know that...i was just going by what recommended in the reef package section...
...if a brittle star isn't a good idea for my tank...what is something that is comporable to that?


Sinner's Girl saided that i should get an urchin or a cleaner either of these do anything that the brittle star would and is there anything else out there?