planning an upgrade and need ideas


Hello folks, right now i have a 55 which houses about 50 lbs. of LR with all kinds of cool stuff growing on it. I also have 2 clowns, a strawberry psuedo, a lawnmower blenny, and crabs and snails. I want to give my critters a bigger home and more company.
I've been eyeing up a 125 at my LFS which is on sale but I have no idea what else I'm gonna need to go with it. I don't wanna do it all at once so I figure each payday I'll go get some thing else, then when I got everything I'll do the big switch over. I know I need bigger heaters and more power heads but what about filters and all that kind of crap. Now I just have a hang on back filter but I know I'll need more than that. And of course there's lighting. I don't plan on having a lot of coral and such so I won't need big fancy MH, maybe some T5's or compact floresence or some thing.
Anyone that has some good ideas for me would be greatly appreciated. My critters and I would welcome any help and ideas.
thanx for reading


Ditch the filter u sh0uld get 75p0und m0re 0f r0ck a skimmer and a sump and depending 0n what c0rals u want better lights are always g00d

eric b 125

i think that since you are more than doubling the size of your tank you're going to pretty much end up upgrading everything. i would fo sho get a skimmer and a sump/fuge. you'll need around 600w in heaters, and some powerheads. with 50 lbs LR already, i think you could just get base rock to finish the aquascape. i pay $7/lb for LR, so if you pay near that, with the money you'll be saving with buying base rock, you could buy a skimmer. adding the sump allows you to add all the filtration you want out of sight (i.e. carbon, filter floss, etc) and the extra water volume is a huge plus. is the tank reef ready, or undrilled?


The tank I'm looking at is undrilled. But I guess if I'm gonna spend the money, I could go with a reef ready tank if it really makes that big a differance ( I don't know, I don't know anyone that has one ) . As far as a sump, can it be possable with a low profile stand, cause where the tank will sit there is only a half wall and I don't want the top taller than the shelf on top of the half wall.
Also I think the bak pak 2 skimmer is good for 125 gallons cause it does great with the 55 and i like it a lot (ez to clean ).
I like the idea of base rock cause it don't take long and it just turns into live rock anyway after a while.
thanks eric
thanks kingsmith


just kinda curious,,, what advantages are there of a predilled over an undrilled,,, or is it the other way around ???

eric b 125

predrilled tanks come with overflows built in, so plumbing is easier. using an overflow box to get water from DT to sump can be done, but they tend to lose siphon, and that could cause a flood. you could drill it yourself, which allows you to put overflows and returns wherever you want them, and you could add a closed loop. drilled tanks are more reliable and aesthetically pleasing compared to HOB overflow boxes, IMO.


not to mention the price difference
i know i guy that works at a glass place,
maybe talk to him about drilling it then i can make plumbing as needed for
the low profile type stand
thanks eric