Plants for salt water?


1st. What are the type of plants you can put in your refugium I have any read abought a few types is there a reason?
2nd. What do you keep it your refugium?
3rd. ok this might be a dumb ? but my mom has glass pots with plants with no soil Just water.I know it's fresh water but is there a plant that can grow with just the roots in the tank.
my 125 I'm putting in my wall now has a spot that I would like to have a shelf on the front wall where if I can find a plant that would grow in saltwater I want to put on that shelf can any one help me out?
I'm working on it.
Slow. But I'm working on it.
will have more pic's soon.
search my last post to see my tank pic's
"Info on putting my 125 in a wall?"


Active Member
1) I use a macro-algae called caulerpa. The grape, mini grape and cup variety primarily. There is a little feather and an unID'd kind in there as well. I use caulerpa because it's a very fast growing very harty nutrient absorber
2) The above caulerpa and a couple of snails and your various pods and worms, and mini stars.
3) There is an actual SW plant that is sold, but I know little about it. You can also use mangroves if you keep them pruned.


We have a plant that is called a shaving brush. At least thats what they called it at the lfs. Its about 6 inches long and looks like the end of the branch on a pine tree. I think this site sells them too.


Re: you're mom's plants in glass pots....I don't know for sure, but she's probably rooting sprigs. My second hobby (SW fish first, of course!) is houseplants and I often cut pieces from my plants, root them in water and then plant them in new soil. It's getting to be a regular jungle in here - my tank provides great humidity in which my plants thrive.:cool: Anyway...more info than you needed, but I would like to know more about saltwater plants, too :D