plants growing on my live rock


My tank has been going now for about 2 months.I'm starting to get some plants growing on the live rock. Some look like seaweed and another looks like Maidens Hair. Is it ok to leave it in my tank or should I try to remove it and put it in my sump? It looks really natural in there but I'm afraid it might take over the rocks. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Do you have any tangs or crabs? If so they should keep it under control and still let it grow some too.


you could always pull some out if it got to be too much in your tank. not being sure of what you actually have, i could also say if you got more crabs they would keep it under control better. they tend to eat the stuff you don't want and leave the goodies. i got some caulerpa type stuff growing on my rock and they tend to leave that alone and eat just the green and red nasty stuff. hope i could help..


I believe it is caulerpa type stuff.The cabs cleaned the hair algae off but don't seem to want to touch these.The tang grazes around it and doesn't touch it either.One is a very bright green and looks like grass,the other is brown and looks like kelp in the shape of oak leaves.


the alge you have can be many different types here are some links that may help you id them or any future alges that may pop up
<a href="" target="_blank">hitchiker alge</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">alge gallery</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">common marine seaweeds</a>