

New Member
Can you or, should you put plants in you FOWLR tank? I think that it would add to the look of the tank but I am not sure if it is a good idea. I have heard that some plants will grow like crazy and you will have to constantly cut them back. Anyway....just another beginner's question......


New Member
Is there any particular kind of plant that would be best? I have a yellow tang, clown, engineer golby, fire fish, and a blue damsel along with some snails and hermit crabs. It seems that I have heard that yellow tangs like a particular kind of plant.
Thanks for the help. :)


New Member
Is there any particular kind of plant that would be best? I have a yellow tang, clown, engineer golby, fire fish, and a blue damsel along with some snails and hermit crabs. It seems that I have heard that yellow tangs like a particular kind of plant.
Thanks for the help. :)


Any type of calurpa would be nice. You will probably have to buy a lot of it, so you tank doesnt eat it all the first week you have it. When I had a naso, trying to get calurpa to grow was like trying to raise sheep in a lions den... BUT it will create a nice grazer for your tank, its will bind toxins in the water up, and it will provide extra disolved oxygen during the day. (and it looks nice)