

New Member
I would like to know if the plants will live in crushed coral or does it need the sand? We have a 55 gal tank, how many hermit crabs, anemone's and plants are okay?


New Member
Does anyone have an answer for me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What kinds of plants, is your tank cycled, if so how long has it been established? Look at different threads by clicking on search at the top right of the screen and look at other people's set ups. I'm new and have a 55 also, but I do know your tank has to be established for atleast 4-6 months before you can successfully add anemones. As for plants, I have no idea because usually people only have live rock and live sand. Normally I only hear of people keeping plants mostly in their sump. They help to filter out nitrates.


New Member
I ordered the shaving brushes(5) and the two i put in the crushed coral died in two weeks so yes you need sand. For the hermits an stuff there really a limit. But some hermits kill each other so whatch out and only get a few anemonies they move sometimes so u dont want them hurting your corals(if you have any) or each other.


New Member
:cheer: Thanks for some answers guys. The tank is 14 months old. I don't have a sump. I have just the one anemone now, with 8 fish and an urchin. We are putting in Curred live rock today when it arrives ( But have been told to make sure we rise it before putting it in our tank). I was just looking into getting plants and crab ect to help keep the tank clean. Wish now we had used ls instead of the cc. But of course the fish store doesn't tell you there is a difference in which to use. Anyway thanks and will keep researching all the info.
Orchid :happyfish