Plate Coral and MH Lighting?


We are thinking about purchasing a plate coral for our 80 gal tank. We just recently upgraded to 2 - 250W MH Lighting with 4 T5 Blues in the tank.
I'm wondering if this will be too much / not enough light for a plate coral?
I'm also curious to know what type of flow they like as well.


It's definitely enough, depending on location it may be too much. I have a short tenticled plate under 400 watt 20k metal halides, at a depth of 20", but it is near the outside radius of the light and shaded a bit by a staghorn. I had originally put it under more direct light and moved it after noticing the tissue receding a bit. It's been doing great there for over a year. Goodluck.

yosemite sam

Active Member
I had a fungia under 2 400w 10k bulbs for over a year and it did fine until I took the tank down. It was in the center of the tank, and not shaded and never had a problem.