Plaxico "Dumb"ess...


Active Member
Why would anyone bring a gun into a night club, unless they expect trouble? And even if you do expect trouble, seems like a coward who feels the need to bring a gun to a potential barfight.
Even with a CCW, you cannot bring the weapon into any place that serves alcohol.
Dude's an idiot. But he shot himself in the leg!!! Is that justice or what?


Active Member
ESPN just reported that he is probably going to be charged witha Class C Felony...
apparently crimzy he doesnt have a body guard and has always felt the need to "take care of himself"... but like you said why... why would you take a gun to a night club other than to start/finish trouble...


Active Member
I hear he pleaded innocent? I don't get that, how the ********** do plead innocent to that? Crimzy, can you help me out?


Active Member
beats me, but from what I read they aren't going after him for having a gun in a bar, but having an unlicensed gun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I hear he pleaded innocent? I don't get that, how the *********** do plead innocent to that? Crimzy, can you help me out?
He's got to plead not guilty so he can make a deal as things progress. Only stupid people plead guilty at the arraignment because there is no prosecutor there to sweeten the deal.
Plax has some issues here, though. In Michigan, there are 2 basic weapons charges that Plax would face for the possession only (not even addressing the firing of the weapon)... Carrying Concealed Weapon and Felony Firearm. I believe that New York has similar gun laws. The issue arises, though because (in MI) the Felony Firearm is punishable by a MANDATORY two years incarceration, to run CONSECUTIVELY, with whatever he gets on the other charges. The judge has no discretion regarding sentencing with a Felony Firearm conviction.
Assuming that New York has similar charges, then he needs to avoid that conviction and plead on the other charge(s).


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
beats me, but from what I read they aren't going after him for having a gun in a bar, but having an unlicensed gun.

That may be part of it, but it is illegal to have a gun in a bar regardless if it's registered or not, from what the legal dude on ESPN Radio said this morning, they will go after him for both, but he is unlikely to serve jail time as a first offense.
He will still have to deal with the commish though
....The Giants (particularly Tom Coughlin) won't put up with it either, they will be after his contract most likely.


Active Member
ESPN is reporting that carrying a concealed weapon in NY is a mandatory 3.5 year stint. Mayor Bloomberg stated that this law should apply to everyone and an NFL player shouldn't be above the law. If the mayor is pushing for jail time already, Plexi may have to get use to orange uniforms and I'm not talking Bronco orange.
I also read that his recent contract is cap friendly if the Giants decide to drop him. Peter King thinks Plexiglass has played his last game as a Giant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
I went to highschool with him and was a good guy i have no idea what has happen to him

$$$$ .... lots and lots of $$$$. some can handle it, some can't. evidently he can't.


Active Member
Maybe he will finally get his act together. I don't think it will be with the Giants though. He's a good athlete .... it's really a shame.


Originally Posted by bigarn
Maybe he will finally get his act together. I don't think it will be with the Giants though. He's a good athlete .... it's really a shame.
yeah maybe he will come home and play for the redskins!!! We need him!


Active Member
Whats interesting is he said he carries a gun around but he always kept his amo separte. Hmmmm idk how you can shoot yourself if theres no amo in the gun and idk how you can shoot yourself by accident anyway


Active Member
Plus, why would you even carry a gun if you can't use it in an instant? If its for protection, you want to be able to protect yourself, not have to call a time out so you can load your gun.


Active Member
It will be pled down to a misdemeanor charge, unfortunately stupid is not a crime, harming yourself does not enhance the charges. As for the concealed carry, although I don't believe New York has that law, you are not allowed to carry a weapon into an establishment whose primary business is the sale of alcohol, so if they have a menu, I guess you could argue on whether or not the fried cheese sticks negate the felony.