Play sand question.


I just sold my 240gal. tank and moved my livestock into another tank. It is already cycled and has just a little bit of the sand from the other tank in it. My question is that I need to know whether it is ok to just buy some play sand and put it in? Should I rinse it first or how should I go about putting it in the tank? I had hoped I could just open the bag and then lower it in the water and slowly dump it out on the bottom so as to not pollute the water with sand. Is play sand safe? Thanks.


Active Member
Play sand contains silicates , phosphates , and nitrates that will contaminate you tank and cause headaches of problems . Spend the $ for the right sands and will be more rewarding and more time enjoying the tank then trying fix all the problems the play sand caused .


i used home depot quikcrete play sand (3 dollars per 50 lb bag) and i have not regretted it.
all of my levels are fine and have been fine an dmy tank looks beautiful.
make sure u rinse it thoroughly ( i made the mistake of not rinsing ) an dmy tank was a mudbath for a few days b4 finally clearing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JasonY
i used home depot quikcrete play sand (3 dollars per 50 lb bag) and i have not regretted it.
all of my levels are fine and have been fine an dmy tank looks beautiful.
make sure u rinse it thoroughly ( i made the mistake of not rinsing ) an dmy tank was a mudbath for a few days b4 finally clearing.
Do you have silicate and phosphate test kits ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
Play sand contains silicates , phosphates , and nitrates that will contaminate you tank.
I use $3 per 50lb Kolorscape play sand and have NEVER seen a phospate or nitrate reading since the day I transferred my 30g over to a 100g with 100lbs of all new play sand substrate (30g had crushed coral)
It is going to be impossible to rinse. I began to and realized right away I dont have the time, containers or enough water to rinse 100lbs of fine sand effectively. If its a new set up just let it run thru the system while nothing is in the tank. The clays or whatever residue that is on the sand will get picked up by the pre filter in the overflow box in my case or whatever kind of mechanical filtration you have. I ran carbon for the 1rst week while the water was clearing up. Once it cleared up its a nice white. Get a sand sifter or plan on manually turning it over a few times a week (that is my experience. I have a high bioload, 12hr a day of MH lighting and even if I dont turn it over it doesn't look as bad as some of the neglected "pet store" sand I've seen, it just wont stay the ice white it started out looking like. If I didn't have 7 fish including 4 anthias that require at least two feedings a day and a 12hr MH light cycle I'm almost positive I wouldn't need to turn it over manually. my sump sand is the same, looks great and has never been touched).
I have never tested for silicates nor to I have any plans to. I have every type of coral (soft, lps,sps), several supposedly less than easy fish and plenty of sand inverts (four fighing conch, two super nassarius that stay burried ect) and if it aint bother them and I dont have an algae problem I have no rational for testing for silicates. Far as I know its not a test typically tested for and I have only seen it available fro seachem.
set up six months ago and still no regrets



Active Member
Originally Posted by sc0rp_XIII
hey stanlee, how deep is your sandbed?
about and 1" perhaps 2" in some spots
and here is what it looks like neglected without turning it over (taken today since its about time for me to do it again)


looks nice
i used the regular tan/yellow play sand from home depot and it looks great.. i do however have to manually turn it over atleast once ever 2 days... it doesnt help that my tank is in direct sunlite either...
i just added a bag of live sand on top today as well....


Active Member
Originally Posted by sc0rp_XIII
is the sand really thick? would a goby be able to help you turn that over?
its fine like sugar. a goby would do wonders but I am tired of taking half my fish out everytime I get a new one due to aggression and having an open back canopy they are prone to jumping as is. Plus I'm fully stocked. It only takes 2 minutes (using the vacuum end of a gravel vacuum) to turn the sand over manually so its no big deal.


Thanks for your replies everyone - I'm going to go ahead and use my sand after a quick rinsing. I've noticed you can add sand without making a huge mess of your water by simply lowering the entire bag of sand in and slowly dumping it out on the bottom. Thanks again. =)


i just added a few bags of live arg sand on top of my home depot play sand...
this time i lowered the entire bag and slowly poured it all over.. its coming along nicely except for the noobie mistake i made......
the home depot play sand is alot darker then the arag live sand... the arag live sand in the bag at the lfs looked tan/yello, however underlight in my tank, its almost pure white!
ahhh.. to live and learn.....



Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
I would urge everyone to not manually "turn over" their sand. It will cause a spike like no other.
that only applies to sand beds deep enough to sustain an anaerobic layer where pockets of nitrogen gas can be released in mass. If you have any sand dwellers or sifters they help disperse some of those pockets slowly. It does not apply to shallow sand beds what so ever. I turn my sand over every two weeks often right from the bottom and never spike any levels.
I got the sand from K-mart but home depot sells it too.