play sand


Active Member
If going with playsand you want old caslte not just anyold playsand will work. And I would never recomend construction sand. If your going with either of these I would rinse them but if your going with Sugar sand (around $3 for 5lbs) dont rinse. And add like caribsea arigonite ($23 for 20lbs) to see id. I did this cost me $80 as apposed to $130++


Active Member
well snipe just curious as to see why you say dont use construction sand.....ive had it for a while never had a water quality problem and nitrates zero out easily, why do you say no construction sand?


Active Member
For the simple fact silicates are a big thing in construction sand and most of all playsands and that will lead to algaes on the sand bed. Alot of places sell construction sand that is out side in the open for who knows what to get in or on it and its just nasty. There are some sands that will work from bolth these industries but unless it sais silicate free on the bag (most dont) I wouldnt use it. I have heard of many ppl using pure silicate sand with no ill effects but these ppl usually have very large fuge systems to get read of the silicates.