Playing around


Active Member
I can't believe how hard it is to capture the true colors on this orange and green cloves. In person the orange is really bright and the green is electric. I've tried and tried but can't seem to get the colors right, anyway here is my best sofar, took maybe 200pics to get this one

This worm is about the size of a pea, light pink colors.


Awesome Picts!
Sorry to go a little off topic. Do you have Photoshop?
There is a very easy trick to color correct for accurate color.


Have you adjusted your white balance to reflect accurately in your tank? There are a few good articles on-line about this; insert something (reef safe) into your tank (like a piece of PVC pipe, plastic cutting board) then adjust your camera's white balance accordingly.
If you haven't already done it, might be worth a try. There's also a product out on the market (similar to a lens filter) that looks like it goes over your lens, then you adjust to whatever shot you're taking. If you're interested, I can find out the name of that product.


Originally Posted by RHagemann
There's also a product out on the market (similar to a lens filter) that looks like it goes over your lens
ExpoDisc by Expoimaging ($ Expensive $) About $90.00 - $100.00
A free option to Photoshop is GIMP. As soon as I get a minute I'll type up that color balance trick.


That's the one! I read a pretty encouraging review on it so it doesn't appear to be a gimick anyway. Expoimaging makes a disk for focusing lengths as well...


Active Member
That means that I would have to shoot in program mode

LOL....I'll start playing around with the settings...


Active Member
Heres one I just took using a -3 setting on White Blance, made a huge diff in color.

Image details >
JPEG (8-bit) Fine
Image Size: 868 x 752
Lens: 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 G
Focal Length: 26mm
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
1/15 sec - F/4
Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
Even though the 18-55mm lens that comes with this camera isn't considered to be a "good" lens, I've still been able to capture some decent images, there is a noticible difference in quality, but it still a good lens for most images, just not the best for macro.


Active Member
I was shocked at the details on the above photo, this was a handheld shot, they usually never come out very clean....


Active Member
This blasto is huge, the polyps are about the size of a halfdollar when fully extended, most of the time you can't see the neon purple....
This was taken using the WB adjustment, not sure if I'm doing it correct as the colors seem to be off..

JPEG (8-bit) Fine
Image Size: 1200 x 1200
Lens: VR 55-200mm F/4-5.6 G
Focal Length: 200mm
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
1/15 sec - F/5.6
Exposure Comp.: 0 EV


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Awsome pics and corals Max. Your new title is Jaques "Fraggin" Cousteu.

Thanks guys......
Rob, if you ever want to come over and practice, we can use my frag tank as a photostudio,....I can even trade frags for photo lessons


Active Member
The last photo would almost be perfect if it was a little more in focus and there was less pink in the redcolor of the polyps, very close...


Active Member
I should also add that this is one of my favorite corals, but the blasted thing refuses to grow
Everything else in the tank grows like crazy....


Active Member
Hey Z, how are the corals?
Ok, this 105mm Macro VR lens is a royal pain to learn how to use, not a simple thing of just clicking a button. Still trying to figure out how to stage the shot and then work on focal distance and f stop.....But when you do get a good pic, the details are amazing.

JPEG (8-bit) Fine
Image Size: 584 x 379
Lens: VR 105mm F/2.8 G
Focal Length: 105mm
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
1/40 sec - F/3.3
Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
Sensitivity: ISO 200
I can sit and take pics of the same thing for hours,

Colors are just about correct on this image, but lots of noise.

JPEG (8-bit) Fine
Image Size: 1729 x 1536
Lens: VR 105mm F/2.8 G
Focal Length: 105mm
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
1/40 sec - F/3.3
Exposure Comp.: 0 EV


Active Member
This is one of my favorite zoom shots....

JPEG (8-bit) Fine
Image Size: 588 x 560
Lens: VR 105mm F/2.8 G
Focal Length: 105mm
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
1/40 sec - F/3.3
Exposure Comp.: 0 EV