playing w/my photo program and I discovered something...


Active Member
I use Paint Shop Pro (cause I'm poor and can't afford Photoshop!), and I discovered that you can adjust the white balance with the program! Yippeeeeeeeeee! Of course, I finally figured out how to do it on my camera, so it's not as useful as it would have been two months ago when I was taking yellow-cast pics...but still, it's cool. OK, so maybe I should have done the tutorial, but that takes time and I'm very busy...blahblah, etc, etc.
Maybe all you already know this, but I'm psyched!


Have you looked at photoshop elements? It's a scaled down version of photoshop. It's alot cheaper and does just about everything that you need. I have photoshop 6 & 7, but use elements more often. I freelance for a newspaper ( and for the newspaper stuff I just use elements.