playing with new camera


thanks BillB i know what you mean about money, in this hobby we can only get a little at a time, but i think it makes us more appreciating of what we do get and it makes our tanks even more beautiful because we do take the time and choose carefully, and we learn about the corals we are purchasing, and what there needs are. i love this hobby. anyway sorry to rant, good luck on getting a camera, and thanks for the complements.



Originally posted by erikandstacie
Good pictures. The Fox and the Shrooms are very nice!

thank you erikandstacie for your complement, i got lucky with the fox coral, they are hard to keep , but this ones doing great,i have had it almost a year now, and the mushrooms started as one, and it keeps on spliting,i will have to frag before to long.
thanks again for the complement


Hey, Tonya,
I have the same new camera, and i am loving it. Took movies of my fish last night! What a blast!:jumping: :jumping: :jumping:



Originally posted by neoreef
Hey, Tonya,
I have the same new camera, and i am loving it. Took movies of my fish last night! What a blast!:jumping: :jumping: :jumping:

hey neoreef, sorry it took so long to get back to you. yes these cameras are awsome :D :happy:
what card did you get with your camera? i got the FC-32MH and the pics turn out great. i'm going to up grade in a week, but the one i want for my camera is $ 199.00, so i had to wait a little while. but i know the wait will be worth it.
well it's time to take more pics, the lights just came on.
by the way lets see some of your pics, i bet there beatiful!


congratulation on your new G-5, i know you will love it, i loev mine.and thank god for Dans diver alert, i'm glad you found it, yea i didn't think when i put my hand in the tank. i was worried that my carpet was going to sting my other corals, so with out giving it any thought i just reached right in and grabed it, or should i say it grabed me, iether way it did a number on me. my hand has what it looks like to be hundreds of tiny blisters, but the good news is the stinging has eased up:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: lets just say from now on there will gloves right next to the tank



hey waterfaller, how can the carpet take out my rosetip? because i don't want to lose my pride and joy. the rosetip is at the top of my tank on the rocks, and the carpet is on the bottom in the sand. will they try and move toward each other?
is the rock anemone threatened also?



Originally posted by tonya-sr
what card did you get with your camera? i got the FC-32MH and the pics turn out great. i'm going to up grade in a week, but the one i want for my camera is $ 199.00, so i had to wait a little while. but i know the wait will be worth it.

I got the one that came with the camera, and you can put around 30 pix on it. I also bought the 124MB one that you can put about 100 pix on. That should take care of us for pictures of my kids and vacations and stuff. I don't need so much memory for taking pix of the fish. They are all on another computer. I'll get some out here soon.


WOW, so i need to get it out of my display right away. i new it can eat my fish and stuff but i thought my clown would host it, but even she won't get near it, i guess that should of told me something was wrong. thanks for helping me with this.
btw i was trying to find bang guy's recent pictures of his lagoon. i went under forum and typed in lagoon, but all i got was the old stuff when he first began, i am looking for the new pictures of the finished lagoon. can you help me find these, please.



Originally posted by neoreef
I also bought the 124MB one that you can put about 100 pix on.

Hey neoreef
take a look at your camera's manual, pages 40 & 140. You can shoot alot more pix than you think. Depending on what you want to do with your shot (4x6 snaps or large blow-ups) or if you're looking for high resolution close-ups. Page 40 tells you the resolution from 2048x1536 pixels down to 640x480. Page 140 shows you the capacity of the different cards and the related resolution (if you have a 128 MB card you can shoot any combination total from 76 pix to 1,355 pix). I'm playing with mine and for what I want means high resolution for now.
Good Luck its a fine camera:)