Please be honest with me...


I haven't even gotten the tank setup and I'm hearing differing opinions. The tank is 450 gallons, with 12 6 foot 56W fluorescents, an Iwaki MD100RLT pump, skimmer rated at 700 to 800 gallons, and a Tidepool filter. I plan to run the lights full force about 6 hours a day, then only 3 about 4 hours a day, then the moon light about 4 hours at night. Everything is on timers. What am I looking at spending per month electricity wise on running this setup? No water changes, only top off water. Fish only with inverts. I have heard some say hardly nothing, maybe max $10 more per month, and I have heard some people say a lot. Please be honest with me. I'm not rich by any means. I just got a very good deal on the used tank and equipment.
Edit: Also how can I find out how much wattage a specific piece of equipment uses?


Active Member
1) depending on how deep your tank is I dont know if 12 56w NO lights would bethe best choice.
2) you can figure out the cost by finding out what your electricty company charges for a kilowatt hour. Then just do some math.
Correction: I just noticed you were only running a FO so lighting could work. Sorry


If you're concerned about spending money, let me caution think you want fish only. Wait until you start looking at reef might just decide you want to switch. Boy, will you be in for it then! live rock, corals, lighting, etc etc. I'm not trying to discourage you, but many who start out fish only are converted!!!!! Actually, the live rock is only a benefit to your system and your fish, even if you don't add the corals, etc. but live rock for your tank would be really expensive. Just a few thoughts to consider. Good luck, and post some pics, even in the early stages, we all love to look!!!!!!