Please confirm ASAP ........

Over the past couple of days we have noticed our clownfish hasnt been acting right. It normaly hangs out in the corner and swims around about mid to bottom of tank. Then we noticed it started swimming more at the surface. Today it's mostly at surface, kinda of on its side. I hace been watching closely for about an hour now and its currently back in it corner that it was always liked, halfway down the tank. It can face down or face up without much difficulty. But appears to swim, but never really go anywhere.
I believe it Swimbladder?
There have been no changes in the tank other than water changes, as we are fighting the red aleage stuff again.
55ga FOWL'sl tank, 1 false clownfish, 1 dogface puffer, 1 yellow tail damsal (i know), and two converveted black tip sharks (some sort of catfish) Have two power heads, Tem 76.0, salinity 1.021, Nitrate 10, Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0, PH 7.4 ( is this low?)
This tank has been up for over a year and the clownfish was one of the first fish we bought after cycling the tank. I would hate to lose it. All the other fish are acting fine.


Well-Known Member
also the sg is should slowly bring it back up over a couple water at least bring it back to 1.023~!!!!!


Well-Known Member
SG is not low since it's a FOWLR, it's spot on for that type of tank, reef tanks are the ones that need to be 1.023 or more.
k well i believe bad sry for the wrong info. Still a n00b. When does the n00biness ware off lol???
No lacerations or disease that you can think of willaimsone???


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/385141/please-confirm-asap#post_3376681
SG is not low since it's a FOWLR, it's spot on for that type of tank, reef tanks are the ones that need to be 1.023 or more.
I haven't heard this good bit of info in a while. This used to be very common; FOWLR tanks were often kept at about 1.017. All my FOWLR tanks have been at 1.020 for many years. I'm convinced the lighter water is easier on the fish. Wholesalers and most LFS keep it low to help with parasites and keep salt costs down.
Cant think of any diseases or parasites. I looked at the the photos in the thread. It seems to be doing better, just did feed them for about three days. It's now swimming back in it's normally place. PH is coming back up on its own too. Refresh me....what should the PH be at? Could the low PH be part of are problem with the red slime algea (cyno?) stuff. It has been getting better. We got new lighting , frequant water changes and lights only one for no more than 6 hours a day. But as the red stuff is leaving, I am getting more green on the rocks. We only had one other major bloom of this stuff, but got it to go away easily. This has been an on going fight for about a month now. Also, would a low level of live pods cause the blooms to happen more frequantly? We havent seem them in a long time. We used to have a horseshoe crab, which died, probally from a lack of food. it was before we knew as much as we do now.