Please give advice about the Seaclone 100 skimmer....


New Member
Have any of you had experience with the seaclone 100 skimmer? I heard that its a pretty good skimmer for its price and it does a really good job in removing waste and such....
If any of you have used it or have heard things about it..please give me some feedback on it...


I have one of the older 100's and after the breakin it worked great on my 55. I plan on getting a new model 100 this week for a 29 I am setting up. All coral. SeaClone got a bad rap, but is a good skimmer.


New Member
Are the new models all standard in LFS' now? Yea, many people say the seclones are bad but I wanted another opinion...
Also, do the new models sel for the same price as the older ones?
The newer one comes in a green box.I have one on my 55gal and it works for me.Make sure you allow enough time for it to break in.It will send bubbles in the tank until it does.Dont use additives that say the provide a slime coat or it will produce bubbles like crazy.It will produce a very wet foam until it skims it out of the water.Allow ample time for your tank to get established so theres something for the skimmer to skim.
The newer one comes in a green box.I have one on my 55gal and it works for me.Make sure you allow enough time for it to break in.It will send bubbles in the tank until it does.Dont use additives that say the provide a slime coat or it will produce bubbles like crazy.It will produce a very wet foam until it skims it out of the water.Allow ample time for your tank to get established so theres something for the skimmer to skim.


New Member
What do you mean by breaking it in? JUst constantly letting it run? Also, how does it compare to say the CPR bakpak or the Red Sea Prism?
Yeah just letting it run. Im sorry but its the only skimmer I ever had. Im sill new to this SW stuff.Ive read that alot of people also use the bak pak and the prizm.