please give me an idea of what fish to get next.


New Member
I have a 40 gall tank ehiem filter ehiem protien skimmer ro unit 0 nitrate 0 ammo and everything. 1 small zeb lion, coral puffa, 1 chromis (blue), blue devil damsel, 2 domino damsels,2 sand blennies and a scorpion fish all living happily together. May i have suggestions on what next.
Nothing, your very much overstocked now. Some of those fish will get much larger in the long run. Best stop now before they get way too overcrowded and you loose some of your fish.....very interesting choices btw...i like ;)


New Member
Im not really overstocked. I made sure that i get baby fish of all the species i get , none of them even eceed 1 inch except for the lion fish. And i am setting up a newer bigger tank at the moment so that when they get to big they can go in to the bigger tank, wich is about 75gall. :)


just wait and use the damsels to cycle the other tank, then get a big lion or grouper to take care of them much for bioload <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


I agree with "nothing" but to better answer your question...What else is in your tank? For example, if it is packed with LR and has an established DSB, I would argue your not overstocked, especially if they are all as small as you say they are. On the other hand, if you have 1/2 an inch of CC, and a couple of small base rocks just starting to grow algee, I would say you have some losses in your near future. If you can and do add a fish, look at the Long Nose Hawk Fish. I don't see anything in your tank it won't get along with, and they are great fun to watch!
IMO, 40 gal is much too small for all these fish when grown, no matter the amount of LR. A 75 is a much better choice. The 2 blennies will go to 4", the 4 damsels all to 3", scorpion to 4", puffer will probably get large 10"+? (never heard of a coral puffer), and the lion to 7". Thats ending up around 1" of fish per gal. That is definately to much. Don't stock anymore, wait till you have a 75 and then see how things go.